5 Popular WordPress Themes for Law Firms

Potential clients are turning to the internet more than ever to find their next attorney. A law firm’s website is very likely a potential client’s first impression of your firm, meaning you have just a few seconds to stand out among other firms. You want your firm’s website to stand out, but maintain a polished look. How exactly can you balance modernization with professionalism?

An ideal place to start is to begin with a powerful WordPress theme template. Choosing a theme is essentially choosing the base of your website, which dictates the appearance of your website. Node Thirty Three has a few recommendations for top notch legal theme templates available on WordPress:

  • Themify – Ultra (Lawyer Theme)
  • GeneratePress (Ethos Theme)
  • Astra (options include Law Firm, Prime Lawyers, Criminal Lawyer, Family Lawyer, and Injury and Accident Lawyer)
  • Divi (options include Law Firm and Immigration Lawyer)
  • Neve (Lawyers Theme)